Mineral resources

Copper has the most consistent internal and external demand. The largest part of the in-place reserves and deposits of copper is consolidated in East Kazakhstan (Artemyevskoye, etc.) and Karaganda (Zhezkazganskoye etc.) provinces. Favorable conditions for developing the copper-zinc production are created in the western Kazakhstan («50 let oktyabrya», etc.), where a new ore mining complex is going to be established. Period of reserve availability for the mining complex needs is no greater than 30 years

Polymetals (lead, zinc)
Developed reserves of lead-zinc ores are consolidated mainly in East Kazakhstan province (Ridder-Sokolnoye, Maleyevskoye, etc), with mining and processing companies set up. High efficiency of developing polymetallic deposits is achieved through complex use of ores, involving extraction of lead, zinc, copper, gold, platinoids and rare elements. Period of reserve availability for the mining companies is no greater than 25 years.

Gold ore deposits of Kazakhstan are located in 16 ore mining regions, scattered across the country. Primary gold producers are mining companies of the northern and central parts of Kazakhstan, developing the deposits Vasilkovskoye, Aksu, Zholymbet, etc. Period of explored reserve availability for the mining companies is over 30 years.

The aluminum industry of Kazakhstan uses the bauxites of Kostanai province, where large deposits (Krasnooktyabrskoye, etc.) are located. Period of reserve availability for the mining companies is over 50 years.

The country runs 12 iron ore deposits, the largest of which are located in Kostanai province of the northern Kazakhstan (Sokolovskoye, Sarbaiskoye, etc.). Iron ore industry of the country has the mineral reserves sufficient for over 100 years.

All industrial reserves of manganese are located in the central Kazakhstan that has the largest deposits — Zapadny Karazhan, Ushkatyn III, etc. Reserves are expected to last for around 50 years.

Chromites are mined on a relatively small area in the western Kazakhstan, and the ore quality is high (45–50% chromic oxide). Ferrous metal reserves are expected to last for over 80 years.

Uranium is mined using the progressive method of underground leaching in Shu-Sarysuyskaya and Syrdaryinskaya uranium districts of the southern Kazakhstan. Reserves are expected to last for over 100 years.

Kazakhstan has 5 coal basins. Largest part of the coal reserves is found in the Karaganda and Ekibastuz coal basins. This sector is sustained by the confirmed coal reserves for over 100 years. Aside from the aforementioned natural resources, Kazakhstan also possesses considerable explored reserves of cobalt-nickel ores, rare metals (tungsten, molybdenum), stannum, rare earths, non-metallic minerals (potassium salt, vermiculite, wollastonite, zeolith, etc.) that are either developed at a smaller scale, or are pending development.